A Hypothesis Why The Republican Fighting on Masks & Vaccinations…

Joe K
2 min readAug 1, 2021

Granted this is a hypothesis of why it’s mostly Republicans fighting Covid19 vaccinations. I suspect Republicans have less than pure motives…

But first for integrity’s sake, I think you should get vaccinated as I did so we can return to a new normal and nobody else ends up in the ER fighting to… breathe. I had to delay my bucket list trip to New York City as a result and didn’t get to help the aforementioned rock star of American politics that is Lindsey Boylan on the ground last spring as a consequence.

But notice the timing? It’s August, back-to-school shopping is among us. We’re supposed to have a big return to school and mostly in-person learning in the next few months. Everybody knows that’s a risk for spreading Covid19; hence the desire for mask mandates & vaccinations by progressives, liberals & moderates alike. We’re sick and tired of this virus.

For many decades Republicans have wanted to defund one-size-fits-all public education. With many parents rightfully fearful of Covid19, parents — and I’m not a parent — are looking for school choice as a result of appeasement of the political charged opposition to universal masking.

Therefore I really, truly sense that there are some Republicans using this crisis of vaccine hostility to deny the public schools funding. To impose school choice without a debate that’s been hard for them to win otherwise. This is their golden moment to rearrange the world before it’s too late folks… and it’s time to call politically charged vaccine hostility out for what it very well could be. It’s time to put Tucker Carlson 🇺🇸, Fox News, Laura Ingraham and the rest on defense. Thanks.



Joe K

Aviation photographer, former amateur pundit turned aviation journalist, and hopefully a good human. You tell me!